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Now Available For Pre-Order
My New Book:

How the Hell Did We Get Here? 

A Citizens Guide to The New Cold War and the Rebuilding of Deterrence.

Check out my Pre-Order page HERE

My New Book Project

How the Hell Did We Get Here? 

A Citizens Guide to the New Cold War and the Rebuilding of Deterrence

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Available Late Spring 2025

It's the beginning of the end of Pax Americana, the nearly 80 years of relative peace without a World War, give or take a regional war here or there. Our problems started in Europe with the outbreak of the   Ukraine-Russia War. Then, the Middle East, with the Hama-Israeli War, led to the Hezzhollah-Isreal Conflict and direct military action between Iran and Israel. Meanwhile, in the Western Pacific, North Korea rattles its nuclear saber at the  U.S., Japan, and South Korea, while China stokes threats of invasion with Taiwan. The world is drifting into chaos. It's not an accident. It's the beginning of a New Cold War with the "Axis of Tyranny" and the West.


How the hell did we get here? What can we do about it? What will we do about it?


That is the subject of this book, a comprehensive guide to help readers unpack and understand this emerging new Cold War and our need to rebuild deterrence.


The Book will cover:

  • The major political leaders involved in the New Cold War, their motivations, grievances, what they think, and why. 

  • The theory of deterrence and rules of engagement to deescalate a crisis

  • The real-world elements of deterrence. The levers of power our leaders use to create and maintain deterrence including intelligence, command and control, strategic (nuclear) weapons, missile and drone defensive weapons, and the new theater of space competition.

  • U.S. leadership, strategy, and credibility. What we can do and why we should do it​



My journey in writing this book started in 2022 when Vladimir Putin issued his nuclear threats. It was only natural, given my background, that nervous friends and family would ask me what would happen should a nuclear war break out. To answer their questions, I wrote what has now become a popular blog entitled "Nuclear War, What's in it for You." That first blog led to a series of blogs and lectures over the last few years on subjects that intersect space technology, space warfare, and the impact of science and defense on U.S. policy. A recurring theme emerged through my research and writing: a handful of countries were becoming ever more menacing "bad actors," and a new Cold War era had arrived. Yet few people understood or even cared about the growing global chaos beyond Putin's immediate threat. This lack of concern became a call to action for me to inform you, the reader, to be engaged. After all, we live in a democracy, and as informed citizens, you play a critical role in this New Cold War by selecting our leadership to meet this growing crisis. 

The book is scheduled for release in late spring 2025 and will be available for pre-sale in December 2024. I'll be sharing further details in the coming week, along with my usual posts on the technology and insights behind the headlines in today's news in my newsletter.​


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I am excited about the road ahead and invite you to take this journey, spread the word, and follow me on Facebook, LinkedIn, and X. 

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